プロジェクトデータ名称: 9坪ハウス ”tall”所在地: 神奈川県茅ケ崎市延べ面積: 56.14㎡構造・規模: 木造2階建て主要用途: 住宅
写真撮影© Daici Ano
The prototype for this project is a house that architect Makoto Masuzawa built for himself in 1952. It was designed during the period of material scarcity in Japan that immediately followed the Second World War, and was intended as a "minimum dwelling" to be erected by anyone, anywhere.
Project Data
Project Title:Tokyo House Kado 001
Location:Ebisu, Tokyo, Japan
Size:89 sq. m.
Status:Completed 2005
Good Design Award, Gold Prize
© Daici Ano