プロジェクトデータ名称: 菅野美術館所在地: 宮城県塩竃市延べ面積: 218.89㎡構造・規模: RC造+S造 地下1階 地上2階建て主要用途: 美術館竣工: 2006
受賞The Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Award2009日本建築学会作品選奨
写真撮影© Daici Ano
Located in a small town on a hilly site with a view of the Pacific Ocean, this private gallery is intended to permanently display eight sculptures. Rather than a developing a "white cube", the gallery was designed as a unique landscape, where specific spaces designed to accommodate a single sculpture are aggregate within a predetermined 10m x 12m x 10m volume. The architecture was inspired by the delicate structure found in the boundary between soap bubbles, which are formed by the internal pressures that when aggregate cells are confined within a larger boundary.
Project Data
Project Title: Kanno Museum
Location: Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Size:638.5 sq. m.
Status:Completed, 2006
Annual Architectural Design Commendation
International Architecture Award
© Daici Ano