名称: N-house
所在地: 神奈川県鎌倉市
延べ面積: 245.7㎡
構造・規模: 鉄筋コンクリート造2階建
主要用途: 個人住宅
竣工: 2000.9
The site is situated in the heart of a well-known historical city. Compared to ordinary housing sites, a considerable number of requirements define the organization of this place, including topographical conditions and legal restrictions, along with other regulations pertaining to the fact that the area has been designated as Preservation District for Buried Cultural Assets. The client`s requests included separated private rooms for the husband and the wife apart from their Japanese-Style main bedroom, two guest rooms, bathrooms adjacent to each room , independent among dining room, kitchen, and living room, a space for accommodating large gatherings, and a total area of about 165-200m2. A single, continuous space was also called for. Thus the internal requirements being replaced by a linked chain of alternate solids and voids. This chain forms a ring to create common spaces, and is then placed amongst the landscape of external requirements.
Project Data
Title: N-house
Size: 245.7 sq. m.
Location: Kanagawa, Japan
Use: Residence
Status: Completed September 2000